How Do You Define Family? A Special Edition Episode Featuring Season One Guests

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Mia This special edition episode is a compilation of 11 special guests from Season 1 answering the question, “What Does Family Mean To You?” This compilation is pulled from informative interviews with a range of everyday friends, family, neighbors, and experts sharing their own journey to define and create a family.  This episode features Molly, Cristin Marona, Arden O’Connor, Christian & Jamie, Suman, Brooke James, David Vendetti, Keren Eldad, Ashon Avent, Raven, Mia, and Maureen Brown. 

In this episode: 

  • [00:05] Molly

  • [00:56] Arden O’Connor

  • [00:48] Christian & Jamie 

  • [01:25] Suman 

  • [01:51] Brooke James

  • [02:05] David Vendetti

  • [03:12] Keren Eldad

  • [03:45] Ashon avent

  • [04:13] Raven

  • [04:34] Mia

  • [04:53] Maureen Brown


“This is the most important thing to say, no matter what your reflection is on what a family looks like, be kind to other people who were brave enough to go for what they want to go for...Family is not always the people that you were born with, you know, but it's the people that you choose to keep in your life along the way.”

-Keren Eldad

“So to me, family is giving love and also learning how to receive love. You know, sometimes as people, we don't know how to receive love, you know, because we feel like it comes at a cost, right. We love people based on how we want to be loved, and we don't understand that people see love differently...If you don't love yourself first, how can you give love? Because you don't even know what it feels like.”


“A soft place to land. It's a place where you can land if you're needing ground to take cover, to take comfort, to just rest, to laugh, to sleep, to eat, you know, just all the things that we need to make us feel whole.” - Molly

“What makes a family, a family, is that it's a bond that can't be broken. Attached to them somehow somewhere, all the time. It's something that, you know, you can never let go of or never want to let go of.” - Suman 

“Family to me means supporting you through anything and everything. And that doesn't always mean biological. It can be a friend that you've had for a long time, a family member of one of your friends, as long as they support you, who you are, what you're doing, your journey in life, that's family.” - Raven 

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