Why is Being Childfree Still Taboo? - Discussing Women Without Kids With Ruby Warrington


Ruby Warrington, author, book doula founder of The Numinous, and movement maker joins Julia to discuss her newest book, Women Without Kids. Ruby uniquely has her finger on the pulse of social revolutions and her latest book explores the growing phenomenon of women living childfree by choice or circumstance. 

Together Ruby and Julia discuss some of the many reasons more women are choosing to be childfree including feminist history, financial independence, environmentalism, and social norms. Ruby opens up candidly about her personal decision not to have kids and the many expectations others had for her and we explore conflicting  feelings of shame, self questioning, intuition, and certainty. 

Why do some women feel shame when deciding not to have a child? What is motherhood?  Why is not wanting children still so taboo to talk about? What does a “normal” family look like? Ruby and Julia dive into these questions and more.  

Women Without Kids”will hit the book stands on March 28, 2023. Take advantage of Ruby's free gift when you pre-order the book!


  • [00:00] Julia introduces Ruby Warrington and defines the mission of Stork’d             

  • [04:00] Ruby describes her career and why she came up with the term “book doula”

  • [09:06] Women Without Kids addresses fundamental stereotypes as to why women make their decisions about having a child

  • [16:06] Ruby reflected on the time of her life when she questioned having children, which morphed into is there something wrong

  • [25:07] Why is there shame involved in not having children, and are there rising numbers of women without kids

  • [33:54] Is there a trend or movement afoot to reduce the number of children you have 

  • [37:53] The political choices surrounding women's rights

  • [43:49] What was the impetus for writing the book, and how is the word being spread

  • [46:21] Ruby discusses her journey of emotions leading to accepting her decision regarding children 

  • [53:52] Ruby defines her meaning of “found family” and discusses the  inscription to her family in her book, and she shares her definition of family


  • Writing a book can be compared to having a baby in that you spend time and energy on both, and the result can be called “your baby.”

  • Acknowledging that your career takes such focus and leaves you no time for children is a decision women should be able to make without shame.

  • Why are women the hardest on other women who choose not to have a family?



​​Ruby Warrington is the creator of the term Sober Curious. Author of the 2018 book and million download podcast of the same title, her work has spearheaded a global movement to reevaluate our relationship to alcohol. Other works include Material Girl, Mystical World (2017), The Numinous Astro Deck  (2019), and The Sober Curious Reset (2020). With 20+ years’ experience as a lifestyle journalist and editor, Ruby is known as an astute cultural commentator and true thought leader. She is also the founder of self-publishing incubator Numinous Books. Her new book, Women Without Kids, will be out spring 2023.


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